King Rat

The news was good last night.
We're only 30 miles from where
the flying fishes play.

By the way, l nearly forgot. The wife
asked if you'd like to come to dinner.

We're just having a few people in,
nothing formal.

Would you say thank you to her?
But l have a dinner engagement.

Well, there it is. Good.
Another time, perhaps. Good.
That was my mistake the other day.
l got stupid. l offered the dough
because l wanted to thank you.

lt's okay. l got a lousy temper and an
awful accent. l sound toffee-nosed.

You British insult easy. Catch one
of these cruds passing up a buck.

Nothing. Go find Prouty in the
Garden of Eden and finish the deal.

l'm different from Hawkins.
l let my doggy off the leash.

Look, can l offer you a Kooa?
l mean, is that all right?

Sure. That's different.
There is a radio in this hut!
Let me handle it.
Now let me in, will you?
-Good morning, captain.
-lt is not a good morning.

There is a radio. A radio is against
the orders of the lmperial Army.
