We can't do that, sir. We caught them
red-handed, stealing the camp food.
That's your food and mine.
They deserve to be topped.
under the circumstances...
-...this is the decision l've made.
-What circumstances?
You can't let them off scot-free.
You can't.
Don't tell me what l can
or cannot do, lieutenant.
l'm sorry. l'm sorry, sir.
But, sir, those men are thieves.
l caught them.
-l repeat, the incident is closed.
-By God, it's not closed!
l won't let it be closed. They've been
eating while we've been starving.
-l insist that they--
-You can't insist on anything.
l intend sending the following
to the camp commandant:
''l strongly commend
Lt. Robin Grey, Royal Tank Corps...
...for his work as provost marshal,
Changi Prison.
His consistent performance of duty
in difficult surroundings...
...is, beyond question,
of the highest order.
l would like to recommend that he
be given the acting rank of captain.''
You hypocrite.
l think you're in with them.
Well, none of you are
gonna get away with it.
l can't prove anything against you.
l've got proof against the others.
-l've got this weight.
-What about the weight, lieutenant?
-l said, what about the weight?
-This-- This isn't the same.
-This isn't the one l gave you.
-You're quite wrong, lieutenant.