lt's exactly the same one.
Now, you're a young man, Grey.
l understand you want to stay in the
Army when the war's over?
Well, that's good.
The Army can use hardworking,
intelligent officers.
l'm sure that l could prevail
on the commandant...
...to add to my recommendation...
...that you be granted
a permanent commission.
You're just overwrought
at the moment, understandably so.
These are terrible times, Grey.
Terrible times.
But we must get them
into the right perspective.
l consider it imperative
that we let this tragic matter drop...
...for all our sakes.
No good purpose
could possibly be served.
l'm sure when you've had a chance
to think it over as carefully as l have...
...you'll appreciate
the wisdom of my decision.
Have you any objection
to my sending this forward?
We can take it as read, then.