No, thank you, I'm not playing.
I just wanted to tell you that
it's your turn in a minute.
Two more horses, then it's your turn.
Good luck.
Baron Von Ranchenberg
has withdrawn.
He is replaced by
Marquis Guicciardini Guidi...
...who is mounting horse number 22.
Victim or hunter?
Hunter: IT/2929, sixth hunt.
Thank you.
He's dead.
Hello, Hunt Ministry?
Regulation killing.
It occurred on Piazza di Siena.
Victim number 113562.
Why not kill him in Hamburg,
his birthplace?
I don't like to travel. I knew he'd
be here for the horse show.
Why in such a brutal way,
with an explosive?
For a baron it's an explosive boot.
Do you prefer being a hunter
or a victim?
A hunter.
It's easier.
And how do you feel this
being your turn as a victim?
I don't know... I'll manage.
Which vitamin do you prefer?
Z-B 1002.
Is the Big Hunt a way to
vent aggressive feelings?
Pretty much.
Which comics do you prefer?
The masked man.
I'm a romantic.
You sure seem to be anything but
violent and aggressive.