131 men of this command
were half a day's march from here...
either digging graves or rotting in the sun,
waiting to be buried.
I want every prisoner that can walk
on this parade ground in 10 minutes.
Including those in irons.
Bugler, sound assembly.
They're gonna give us a party, Captain.
It sure looks like it.
You thieves, renegades, deserters...
you gentlemen of the South.
I want some volunteers.
I want volunteers to fight
the Apache Sierra Charriba.
I need horse soldiers.
Men who can ride, men who can shoot.
In return I promise you nothing.
Saddle sores, short rations,
maybe a bullet in your belly.
And free air to breathe,
a fair share of tobacco, quarter pay.
My good will.
Best offices for pardons
and paroles when we get back.
I don't know
what that might be worth to you.
But I do know if any man signs on with me
and then attempts to desert...
I will shoot him out of hand.
From you I'll accept one man
with some experience of command...
as an acting lieutenant.
Captain Tyreen...
does the prospect of serving
under your country's flag once again...
seem more attractive
than dragging its chains in this prison?
It is not my country, Major Dundee.
I damn its flag and I damn you...
and I would rather hang than serve.
Corporal Veitch just died, sir.