Well, by God, you've got one.
What am I going to do with you?
He's the biggest drunk,
but the best packer in the territory, sir.
- What's your name?
- Wiley.
Wiley, make your mark.
- Whiskey?
- All you can drink.
When you've earned it.
Sergeant, throw him in a cell
and dry him out.
- Come on, Wiley.
- I never seen anything like it.
- How many is that, Ryan?
- Twelve, sir.
- Name?
- Dalhstrom.
Any man with a just cause
should travel with the word of God.
With all due respect,
God has nothing to do with it.
I intend to smite the wicked,
not save the heathen.
Seventeen years ago,
I married John and Mary Rostes.
Who that destroyeth my flock,
I will so destroy.
November 5.
The Confederate prisoners are angry
and uneasy, waiting for tomorrow...
the day the rebel captain
and his four companions are to hang.
We are fearful of the consequences.
All of us know the Major needs the Captain
and his men...
but the Major is stubborn.
I think he will hang them
if they don't volunteer.
I would like to volunteer, sir.
Me and my six coloureds.
I haven't asked for volunteers
from the command.
- We're doing the asking, sir.
- Why?
To fight, sir.
We've been standing guard
and cleaning stables for nearly two years.
Tomorrow morning you ask
the officer of the day to see me.