- Open it up.
- Yes, sir.
Major, it has come to my attention...
You kill one of my soldiers and then
have the gall to dictate terms to me?
You're a damn traitor, Ben.
You were a rebel
before you ever saw the South.
And now you're a murderer.
Tomorrow morning, I am going to hang you
and be done with you.
How many men do you need?
Twenty. Good ones.
Until the Apache is taken or destroyed,
only that.
Then you have my word, Major.
We will serve.
But after that we're going home.
If it's too rich for you...
hang us now and be done with it.
I just might hang you
and that Injun to the same tree, Ben.
You'll play hell getting it done, Amos.
This man will hold lieutenant's rank
under myself and Lt. Graham.
Will you serve?
Until the Apache is taken or destroyed, sir.
Lieutenant Graham,
get away from that damn bell!