Priam, they're a bunch of Roman-nosed,
broken-gutted, spavined...
sore-footed, swaybacked dogs.
You call yourself a horse thief?
Samuel Potts!
Those Injuns you got with you
look kind of shy, Samuel.
- They ain't sure they're welcome, Amos.
- Get on up here. I'll buy you a drink.
Today Mr. Potts got back.
With him was Riago.
If Lt. Brannin were alive
he would hang the Apache...
and I would help.
Yeah, but where in Mexico?
The children?
Well, they're skinny,
but doing better than you'd expect.
Making their own arrows now.
That's Riago who rode in with you, isn't it?
They all look alike to you, Amos?
I asked you a question, Sam.
That's Riago.
Where'd you find him?
Didn't. He found me.
He said after the massacre
he hit for the bush, stayed on their trail...
figured I'd be along sooner or later.
I believe him, Amos.
Who's the other one?
He's got a personal score to settle.
Seems old Charriba wouldn't take him
along with him on this last raid.
Said he couldn't be trusted.
Now he's got his mind set
on killing the old man.
Do you expect me to believe these Apaches
will turn against their own families?
Track down their own people?