Major Dundee

November 18.
We are now in Texas approaching Mexico.

And the Major
does not mean to be surprised...

by Confederate patrols out of Fort Davis.
- No fires tonight, Sergeant.
- Yes, sir.

Trooper Hadley,
you are not part of my gun crew.

Cold coffee again.
It's 50 miles to the border,
and 86 to Fort Davis.

I wonder if we'll make it.
Make what, Sergeant Chillum?
Make it back to where we come from,

We'll make it. It's just a question of time.
It was just after dawn and we were starting
for the Rio Grande when Riago returned.

I still don't trust him.
- Twos right!
- Major.

Says he got close enough
to smell the stink of many white men.

I wager they're waiting for us
at the river, Amos.

- We'd better walk on water.
- Let's find out what we're made of.

Full gallop, son. We'll let those rebels
know there's a Yankee army come to call.
