Major Dundee

You were obliged to.
But it wasn't easy, and I respect you for it.
I don't need respect from a man who took
his kin to fight against their own brothers.

I took soldiers to fight for their country.
- You betrayed it.
- What country have I to betray?

I'm fighting for the only country I have left,
and I kill men in a hopeless war for it.

But not men who were my neighbors
and my friends.

The best friend you ever had
was the man who got you into West Point.

He was killed with the 2nd Michigan
in Chickamauga last winter.

- Did you know that?
- I knew that, Amos.

You're a would-be cavalier,
an Irish potato farmer with a plumed hat...

fighting for a white-columned
plantation house...

you never had and never will.
How exactly do you see yourself,
Major Dundee?

Have you ever stopped to think why
they made you a jailer instead of a soldier?

December 22, 1864.
We are five weeks into Mexico...

and have lost all contact with the Apache.
Even the scout, Samuel Potts, admits this,
and I'm glad.

I wish to avenge the massacre,
but I remember it too well, and I'm afraid.

How can we catch the wind
or destroy an enemy we never see?
