Major Dundee

January 15. It took the French
three days to discover...

all they were chasing was
a one-armed scout and a renegade Apache.

By that time, Mr. Potts and Riago
figured we were safe...

and decided to lose them and find us.
We rested and healed our wounds.
Hey! I'm drowning!
- Come on in.
- I already had my bath.

Hey, the water's fine.
- First shave, Tim?
- Yep.

- Maybe we should call you Ryan now.
- Yeah.

We are waiting for Mr. Potts, Sgt. Gomez...
and the rebel captain to return
from the scout.

We fear that the French have taken
reprisals against the village.

I keep thinking about Linda
and pray for her safety.

- What happened?
- Just like watching a bird die.

- And the woman?
- I don't know, Amos.

If they hanged her, they cut her down.
Them boys in the pretty hats
make the Apache look like missionaries.

Never underestimate the value
of a European education.

- No sign of Charriba?
- Don't worry about that, Amos.

He wants to drag it out.
I think he figures on leaving stories
about you that'll be told...

around the campfires of his people
for a thousand years.
