You gonna do something about it,
ain't you?
Sergeant, I don't want to look up at him.
You know me.
I've been over the hill before.
But I always come back, didn't I?
And you whipped me for it
and I deserved it.
But you never killed me none.
Now you ain't gonna hand me over
to no bluebelly...
just because I had a hankering
for a woman?
She's a sweet little thing, Captain.
She's pretty and polite and a lady.
She surely is.
And that grub is for her kinfolks.
You remember her, Captain?
I was dancing with her and I introduced you
to her. You remember her, don't you?
I remember.
Sergeant Chillum, would you say it was
common knowledge in this camp that...
that village had been burned,
people scattered?
Well, I know that, Major, sir...
but I just figured I'd sit there
and wait till they come back.
- Lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.
How much food and ammunition
would you say was taken?
Enough for three men for a week, sir.
Look, Major, forget about the book.