The men of this command risked their lives
for those supplies.
It may have slipped your mind,
but he also risked his life.
you're gonna be shot.
Major, hand him over to us.
I'll deal with him.
I'm not going to let you kill him.
You used to be a soldier.
Do you know what you're saying?
I'm saying if you kill that boy
that's the beginning of it and not the end.
You're wearing out, Ben.
You were a rock once,
now you're crumbling like old chalk.
Lieutenant, select a firing squad by lot.
- Exclude the Confederates.
- Yes, sir.
I said we will serve in this command
and we will serve!
But only until we have caught the Apache.
And then, Major...
I am going to kill you.
Are you, Ben?
Yes, Amos.
You gonna let them shoot me, Captain?
I'm obliged to, son.
You should have remembered
you belong to the Major and not to me.
I'm sorry.