Makes sense.
Well, there goes our little watchdog.
Shall we go, Major?
I drink, Ben. Did you know that?
That is the secret of my great success.
I drink.
But I don't drink enough.
Why don't you drink, Lieutenant Tyreen?
Don't you ever have any doubts
about who you are?
I've been three men already, Amos.
That's enough for one lifetime.
- Irish immigrant...
- Cashiered American officer.
And Confederate renegade.
- I don't like any of them.
- Well, now, isn't that a coincidence.
Get away from me.
I have orders, appropriate to your character.
I have to take you out the back door.
- Finish it.
- The patrol. We leave now.
Leave me alone, all of you.
Sergeant Gomez.
Lt. Graham will be a general before he's 30.