Stop it, Tony!
But my dear Tony, say what
you've got to say,
that's what we are here for!
You have the fIoor! Speak!
I have the fIoor - whether
you want to or not, you know?
It's true, you've pIeased us
with so many presents.
You've no reason to compIain!
OnIy...what I'd Iike to know...
you deviI, my benefactor
who wiII reimburse me
for my inheritance?
That's what I've been
waiting for!
Yes, that's what I had
on my mind.
Who's going to
make up for the garden?
Who bribed the Iawyer?
Who paid the notary to ignore
the register?
Just teII me that if you are
so cIever! Just teII me that!
And when I came to see you
and said: Commander,
wouIdn't there be a job for me
on that BabyIon tower of yours
now caIIed ''a monument'',
what did you teII me?
did you...teII me?
Just answer me!
What did you teII me then!
You showed me the door,
threw me out Iike a dog,
that's what you've done,
just Iike a dog!
That's enough! Quiet!
Listen, you...
in the name of your carpenter
Patron Saint, damn him -
do you reaIize where I couId
have been today if you, too,
had joined the Fascist Guard?
Listen, you!
Because of you they are
caIIing me an aIibist. You...
you...you AIi Baba!
To heII with that garden
of yours, do you understand?
To heII with your farm!
Today things are different!
You martyred carpenter!
I'II show you the kind
of brother-in-Iaw you've got!
Look! Take it! You'II soon know
who I am! Here, you coward!
Take it and read it aIoud!
AIoud, so that everyone
can hear you!...Read it!
Court-Order: According to # 1
ordinance No. 31 , 40