Let me teII you, my boy,
if one puIIed to the Ieft
and the other to the right,
things wouId be in a mess.
That's a fact!
WeII, as I've been teIIing you:
have you ever seen a cock
that didn't crow at dawn?
That goes for us too, my friend!
Let's get going
whiIe the going's good.
Cocka doodIe doo!
You dope, are you drunk? Now
you've woken up the whoIe yard!
Now remember what I teII you...
we are one famiIy, understand?
And if we don't get rich now, as
God and the Fuhrer want us to,
we'II never do it! That's serving
our country! Remember that!
I don't beIieve it...it shines!
It actuaIIy shines!
It shines.
It's a fIash-Iight,
so why shouIdn't it shine?
It has to shine, a
A fIash-Iight.
That's nice, hum?
You won't Iast.