Five! Five!
We'II see who Iasts Ionger.
Tony, Tony, don't be mad!
No, this is the sixth!
No, this is the sixth.
Leave me aIone, wiII you?
I counted them...six...seven!
And eight!
Eight! Here you are!
Don't, don't drink!
Let him be...Wait!
The Iast one! Now the Iast one.
Ten! This is the tenth!
He's a reaI man!
I swear, I'd have never
beIieved you can do it!
A czardas!
l am just as good as you are.
l am just as good as you,
good as you...my girl.
Come on, Tony, dance!
CIimb on the stooI.
You'II faII off!
I want to speak!
Oh, be quiet!
Quiet, Quiet!
The Fuhrer is speaking:
ExceIIent! Go on, Tony!
Sieg HeiI! Sieg HeiI!
He's sick.
Didn't I teII everyone he's
a coward and not a man?
Just watch him! He'II be sick
aII over the kitchen!
Tony! Tony!
He can't take it.
Sieg HeiI! Sieg HeiI!