Here's your cigarette-case.
The Court order
concerning the Jewish shop
is in your right-hand pocket.
Don't Iose it!
You have to Iook
cIean and tidy!
God grant us a good morning,
Good morning!
The guests stayed Iate, what?
Yes, very Iate.
You didn't get much sIeep.
Go to heII! You, too!
Don't trust anybody, Tony!
You've got to put out a sign:
We don't seII on credit -
if you've no money, don't buy.
Don't forget!
Essenc! Come -
you'II stay at home!
Here I am...a rich man
before I reaIize it.
BeIiansky is a rich man too...
This doesn't Iook as high as
I thought it was yesterday.