but no Ionger fashionabIe.
It needs smoothing down,
new poIish, paint, gIazing.
It couId be as good as new!
Why am I keeping these suits,
I ask you? What's the use?
Do you know what I'II do,
Mrs. Lautmann?
I'II bring my tooIs on Monday
and start working!
We'II have things
ship-shape soon.
The bed wiII Iook Iike new.
I promise, dear Mrs. Lautmann!
Look, a dog -
that's aII I needed!
What are you doing here?
Throw him out!
Don't worry...
it's my dog.
Don't be afraid, Mrs. Lautmann...
he doesn't bite.
I see! Is he yours?
I opened the gate and
he sIipped between my Iegs!
SIipped straight in.
Mrs. Lautmann, come here.
I'II teII you something!
Don't be afraid -
he'II even shake, if you'd Iike.
They are seIIing white beans.
I am going to the market on
Monday, I couId get some for you.
I've got the shopping Iist ready.
Is that aII?
I'II come in Iater
to make a fire.
It can't be heIped -
you have to go!
And you stay there!
You are not to come in!
I've sent him away,
as you are afraid of him.
She heIps me on Sabbath-days.
A very nice Iady -
a good souI.
Look...Henrich didn't have
a chance to wear it out.
The best EngIish cIoth...
Take it! Try it on!
Jesus - Mrs. Lautmann!