Obchod na korze

Who's that?
Good day!
-I kiss your hand, Iadies!
-HeIIo, Marian!

Meet my sister -
introduce yourseIf.

-My brother-in-Iaw.
-PIeased to meet you.

-Marian, weren't you a taiIor?
-I was.

You can heIp us choose.
Mark, we'II catch up with you
in a minute! Let's go.

Don't stand there gossiping.
And don't you go to the pub!
Good day!
My most sincere greetings,

God bIess you, Mr. Andric!
Listen, you...come here!
Come here.

Can you teII us where you
got that hat?

That hat...wasn't given to me.
I bought it from Kuchar -
the poor man has to seII
his things.

He's broke. It cost nothing.
Nice hat, isn't it?

I'II have him arrested!
I'm going to cIean this town
of aII Jew-Iovers!

Yes, he is a dirty Jew-Iover,
your Mr. Kuchar.

I know aII about him!
We're keeping an eye on him!

I'II give you an advice.
Don't be too cIose with him!

A Jew-Iover is worse
than a reguIar Jew,

since he isn't a Jew himseIf
but heIps Jews.
