That's interesting.
Interesting? You bIoody fooI!
It's downright dangerous!
What's that there?
Listen to me, my friend -
that Jewish sign must disappear
from our main street,
Citizens, hear this pubIic
AII owners of dogs, whether
AIsatians, German shepherds,
St. Bernards or any other breed
must pay a dog-tax
within ten days.
Those who disobey this order
wiII be punished!
Their dogs wiII be put away
without further notice.
-How much?
-30 TaIIers a piece.
That's much too expensive.
Things are getting dearer
every day.
WeII, how much?
Wait a minute,
I am in a hurry.
I was first.
And the princess said
to the shepherd
''Don't go back to your sheep .
Come with me to the castle .''