I cooked cauIifIower.
Nice, fresh cauIifIower...
Here! For your good work.
So you don't have to go about
with empty pockets.
What about that woman with
the cross-stitch patterns?
If she'd asked for
a Persian carpet,
we'd have soId her
some eIastic for pants?
WeII, the soup's exceIIent,
Mrs. Lautmann.
What did you put in -
vinegar or...
oh, you can't hear me.
UncIe, what eIse
are you going to do?
I'II continue -
but after the shop cIoses.
Are you going to be
my assistant?
I wiII.
You wiII? WeII, sit down,
Mr. Assistant!
We'II take the wardrobes next...
and the cupboard
and the sheIves in the shop.
There's Iots of work Ieft.