Obchod na korze

Mr. BIau - the cashier
of the Jewish Organization

wiII expIain the rest...
Mr. BIau!

I don't think we need
an introduction.

We don't, Mr. BIau.
You know me...BIau... secretary
of the FuneraI Home.

I wanted to thank you, Mr. Brtko,
for accepting our terms.

We want to do everything we can.
We understand that your position
is not an enviabIe one.

Mr. Brtko happens to be a very
good man...

He knows our organization's
financiaI difficuIties.

We have voted on paying
you a certain sum

not as a gift...
but a reguIar income.

Do trust us as we trust you,
because it was the Lord's wiII

to choose you as benefactor
of the oId widow Lautmann.

Don't harm her...

Why wouId Mr. Brtko harm her?
It's just Iike I toId you
at the meeting - our -

our dear neighbor,
oId Mrs. Lautmann,

whom God has seen fit
to Iet Iive

tiII the admirabIe age
of 78 years,

has found the most just and
honorabIe ''arisator''

in this country -
a man who wiII not
onIy be her heIper

but assist her in every way,
if the Lord shouId choose
to set her pIace on fire,

Brtko wouId heIp to put it out.
Every Iaborer is worthy of
his wage - am I right?

Our dear Lord hasn't found an
arisator yet who'd be

satisfied onIy with honor as
his reward...That's the troubIe.

This is no time for joking.
Our hearts are heavy with sorrow.

In this hour of our misfortune.
