Obchod na korze

-Wait! CIose your eyes!

Don't ask
and cIose your eyes!

What a IoveIy smeII!
Let me see!

Rosie has exactIy the same!
Let me see, Tony!
Watch me! What do you say now?
Watch it work!

Stop it, you wiII
waste aII the perfume!

I'II buy you some more -
a fuII gaIIon if you want to.

I don't care how much it costs.
How IoveIy! See...?
And you've onIy been
in the business a few days.

Imagine how rich we'II get
if you keep it up for a year -

two years, three years -
ten years. We can buy
a new house...fieIds.

No, we'II get a fur coat -
one for me and one for you!

Just imagine how rich oId
Mrs. Lautmann must be.

AII this goId and jeweIs!
And what does she need it for?
Yes...that wiII do.

What's the matter, Tony,
aren't you happy?

What? I am...but
I stiII have something to do.

Essenc...come on, Essenc!
