Obchod na korze

Do you hear the beIIs...?
Are you sure that's
the cause of it?

SiIence! SiIence! In the name
of your Jewish God! Quiet!

Stand where you've been toId to!
Stay where you are!

Wait your turn!
Now Iisten, Jews!
For your own sake -

HoId out your registration cards!
We are going to caII your names!
In aIphabetic order!

Good morning and good Sabbath!
Did you sIeep weII, my boy?

For God's sake - what shaII
I do with you, Mrs. Lautmann?

No... don't thank me.
WeII, go and eat your breakfast.
Just a cup of coffee
and a smaII cake.

Eat, drink...
there's pIenty of time.

It's Saturday...
and then you'II go home.

I'II have to get dressed!
Eat your breakfast!

Whoever carries more than
the allotted 30 kilos allowed

will lose everything!
Attention! Attention!

Whoever is found with fire arms,
knives or any sharp instruments

will be punished on the spot -
according to the Martial Law!

Do you understand?
l repeat:

Whoever is found with fire arms,
knives or any sharp instrument

will be punished according to
Martial Law - on the spot!

Jesus! We have to open
the shop!
