- They know every move we make!
- They have a superb intelligence unit.
How can I find that laboratory
if I keep losing manpower?
- How about 0008?
- Unfortunately he is not available.
- International narcotics.
- Please. We can't use 0008.
They have a file on all our personnel. We
have to recruit from outside the organisation.
ifyou'll write down the qualifications
you believe necessary for the assignment,
our computer'll give us the ideal man.
Stand by computers.
Derek Flint! My country awarded him
the Croix de Guerre!
- Flint's wrong for this job.
- Wasn't he under your command in the war?
- Forget it. He can't take orders.
- Derek Flint! Three promotions in a month!
- And our Medal of Honor.
- I said forget it!
Excellent chap, expert frogman.
Name's Derek Flint.
We need a man who can follow regulations!
We need a man who's disciplined!