Our Man Flint

- What proportions, sir?
- Propor...? Here.

Marseilles. Bouillabaisse.
Throughout the world in the
preparation of bouillabaisse,

the proportion of garlic to saffron and fennel
is two cloves of garlic to a pinch
of saffron to a dash offennel.

Now, only in a certain
small section of Marseilles

are these three condiments
prepared in these proportions.

Whoever handled that dart was in
Marseilles within the last 24 hours.

Goodbye, sir.
Hold it, hold it.
- These are the men under your command.
- I don't need anyone, sir.

- You said you'd join the team.
- The team isn'tjoining me.

- Dammit, man, for once you'll follow orders!
- This is my mission, sir. I work alone.

Your mission? The US Government is
involved too, not to mention the world!

It's my show now.
You're under arrest, Flint!
I'm glad to see you kept up your karate, sir.
These men wore Battle ofthe Bulge ribbons.

- There's no ribbon for the Battle ofthe Bulge.
- Exactly. They're impostors.

Gridley? He's been with us... That's Gridley!
Sir, ifyou look around the eyes,
you'll see some scars.

On the bridge ofthe nose. Plastic surgery.
You've cracked.
All this high living - you've cracked.

In here! They're dead! ln here! They're dead!
- Gridley!
- This one's gone.
