Appenine-Tuscan kaolin.
Water from the Pontine Marshes.
Cold cream.
87. 89.
42. 27.
34. 83.
16. 69. 16.
- Rome? Why the hell is he going to Rome?
- I don't exactly know, sir.
72. 46. 49.
"To buy ajar of cold cream."
Cold cream. Cold cream, eh?
The world is crumbling
and he's buying cold cream.
- Yourreport?
- Mr Flint will cause no more trouble.
An interesting statement, butnotfactual.
The explosion. I heard it myself.
The explosion was live,
and unfortunatelyso is Mr Flint.
Thanks to Rodney's desire forproof,
we discovered there were no remains.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- That you were unsuccessful again?