Pierrot le fou

Eyes: human landscapes... Mouth:
onomatopoeia that end up as language

Ruins beget the language of poetry
The writer chooses to appeal...
freedom of others

- Did you get all the books?
- No... But I found this:

It's by someone with your name.
- Oh, Ferdinand.
- You've heard of him?

"l was fire, I was light,
I was miracle.

I could no longer hear...
I was rising...

I passed... through the air..."
It's too much!
"l saw happiness... in front of me...
Supernatural emotion!
And then,
I lost all sense of awareness...
I went forward...
a bit with my hands...

and I dared... to the right...
I touched... softly...
the hair of my good fairy...
of my adorable miracle...
Guignol's Band.
OK... Now, are you coming?

"Perfect happiness!
Ah! my ecstasy was so intense...
that I dared not move.
Crying with happiness,
smitten with happiness...

I quivered, quivered...
My heart could swell and burn me...
I didn't care... I, too, was flame.

I was in space, I clung to Virginia."
