How's the old man?
Fair to middling.
I've got an idea for a novel.
Instead of being about people's lives...
it would be about life,
life as a thing in itself,
what lies between people... space,
sound, and colors.
That would be something worthwhile.
Joyce made a try at it,
but it should be possible...
to do better.
I've got your books.
Those aren't the right ones!
There's one missing.
I said five.
I bought a little record... Look.
I said a record every fifty books!
Literature before music!
If you don't like it, little man,
Little mouse, it's on the house!
What's eating you?
I can make rhymes, too, stupid!
What's the matter?
I'm fed up!
I'm sick of the sea
and the sun and the sand!
I'm sick of eating out of tin-cans!
I'm sick of wearing the same dress!
I want to leave this place.
I want to live.
What do you want me to do?
I don't know... I want to go away.
Anyhow, I threw away
the rest of our money.
In the sea, idiot!
You're crazy, Marianne!
If we're to leave here,
we'll need money.