Oh? Honjo-Koume?
Kurihara was once a retainer
in the employ of...
...Matsudaira Sahyonosuke, the chief
of the Yada clan in Joshu...
...and his stipend was
more than 300-koku.
300-koku? He must've been
an important man.
As close to his Clan Lord
as Kurihara was...
...as important
as he was...
...why did he leave his clan, become
a ronin, and join us?
That, sir, we don't
know for sure...
...but according to Yamamoto,
a close confidante of his...
...Kurihara is an exceptional,
avid scholar, who...
...is well-read in Western philosophy.
...is well-read in Western philosophy.
Based on his studies, he
strongly believes that...
...unless Elder li is destroyed, Japan
will not see the dawn of a new era.
His scholarly studies lead him to believe
that the death of li is imperative?
That, sir, is what Yamamoto
has told me.
By the way, this Kurihara...
...as he is no longer an
aide to his Clan Lord...
...how, then, can he afford to live
in such a noteworthy mansion?
Sir, as for that...
...his wife, Mitsu, happens to be
the daughter of Kagaya Seibei...
...a shipping agent in Shinmachi,
near Shiba Shiodome Bridge.
The mansion is Seibei's
second home.
Thus, Kurihara's leisurely
lifestyle in the mansion...
...is not, I believe, grounds
to suspect anything.
And so, Kurihara Einosuke can spend
his days focusing his mind...
...on scholarship... and