Come back here!
Just who was the lady
that you speak of?
She was of the House of
Takatsukasa in Kyoto...
...the daughter of Sir Ichijo Narihisa,
the 3rd-ranking General.
Such an important person!
On top of that, this "princess"
was named "Kiku-hime."
Oh, my... Even our names
are the same!
Indeed... Strange things can
happen in this world.
So... what happened
after that?
You may fool others... but you cannot
deceive the eyes of this samurai!
Who do you wait for... at Kanda Myojin
Shrine, after the day's lessons?!
You are still in training... yet
you're lusting after women!
How dare you let your mind
stray from the sword?!
Further carelessness
won't be tolerated!
Kiku-hime was to wed the eldest
son of Miyamori Betto...
...a distinguished Shinto priest known
throughout the Kanto region.
As Sir Kii's auxiliary mansion was
in Edo, near the Akasaka Gates...
...she often traveled there with her father,
Sir Narihisa, all the way from Kyoto.
Kiku-hime would leave the Kii Mansion
just about every day...
...to visit Matsunaga Wafu's residence,
to study Nagauta singing.
For a lady of a famous family,
she's rather spirited.
Instead of requesting that the instructor
visit her, she'd travel so she could...
...take lessons in the company
of regular girls.
It seems that you're visiting the Kanda
Myojin Shrine all the time, Miss Ichijo.
Offering special prayers, perhaps?
Offering special prayers, perhaps?
No... I don't believe in gods or buddhas.
Then, perhaps you're meeting
someone special there?
Yes... Someone special
is waiting for me.
If you'll excuse me...