as well as she could,
but I can do a little somethin'
about your manners.
Now, shall we--
Lord, we cleared this land.
We plowed it, sowed it
and harvested.
We cooked the harvest.
It wouldn't be here,
we wouldn't be eatin' it if
we hadn't done it all ourselves.
We worked dog-bone hard
for every crumb and morsel,
but we thank you
just the same anyway, Lord,
for this food
we're about to eat. Amen.
Where'd you come by
the hat, boy?
Down by the creek, sir.
Some fella down there
passin' out hats?
I found it.
It was just lying there.
you look like you've got
somethin'on your mind.
Go on,
say what you're thinkin'.
We've been through it all
before, Pa.
Now, don't paddle 'round
with me. You were raised
to say what you think.
You were all raised
to say what you think.
Anything I can't stand
is a lot of noisy silence.
Now, come on, let's have
some talkin' here.
If you're gonna
make a speech,
I'm sorry I said it.
I know how you feel
about this war, Pa.
I guess we all more or less
feel the same way.
But I don't see how we can just
sit by and ignore it any longer.
Now, you say it's not
our business, not our fight.
Well, we're Virginians.
And I believe that anything
that concerns Virginia
concerns us.
- You do?
- Yes, sir, I do.
All right.
what are you
gonna do?
You gonna keep your slaves
or let 'em go free?
You know I don't have
any slaves, Pa.
That's right,John.
You don't have a slave
to your name, do you?
what about you?