that created us
and loves us,.
duty to the state
that gives us sustenance...
and provides for us,.
and duty to our neighbor,
[ Figgling ]
our fellow man,
without whom...
we... could not live.
When you good people can
find it within yourselves...
to refrain from doing
whatever it is you're doing,
I'll get on
with the Lord's word.
Duty to a Virginian...
is not just a word,
my friends.
Now, for the last time,
Charlie Anderson,
I need that mule of yours.
I don't understand your
reluctance in talking to me
about the sale of it.
Now, that mule you want
is a matched Kentucky red;
matched with another
Kentucky red that pulls
just like she does.
Matched, Abernathy,
matched! Do you understand
what matched means?
How much?
Thirty dollars
I'll give 5O Confederate.
I'll let lightning
strike her first.
Uh, Miss Jennie,
I'll be leavin' soon,
I'll be leavin' soon, and--
You said that already,
I did?
Oh, yes, I did.
I, uh--
I would be eternally grateful
if you'd permit me
to call upon you this evenin'.
a long time, Sam.
Not when one carries
the memory of you,
Miss Jennie.
I look forward to seein' ya
after supper, Sam.