Whoa, boy.
Mrs. Witherspoon.
Charlie, looks like I'll be
paying you a visit soon.
You haven't said a word.
I don't know what to say.
I mean--
Well, I know what to say,
I just don't know how.
It must be all
very complicated then.
No, it's, uh,just all memorized.
Everything I wanted to say
I've said a dozen times
before I got here.
[ Sam ]
I said it to my horse
and it sounded good.
I said it again to the trees
and it sounded better.
I said it to the moon
and it sounded perfect.
The moon
can't hear you, Sam.
He smiles and smiles,
but he never hears.
I do.
[ Horse Whinnying ]
Well, I'm sure
gonna miss her.
Is she goin' somewhere?
Oh, every woman goes
somewhere sooner or later.
You don't expect her to stay
around here and take care of us
all her life, do you?
I hadn't thought about it.
I hadn't planned
on her goin' anywhere.
Well, you better get used
to the idea, boy.
Your sister's ripe
and the pickers are here.
Of course, I don't s'pose
you know what I mean,
do you, boy?