take thee Sam...
to my wedded husband... '"
I,Jennie, take thee Sam
to my wedded husband...
to have--''
to have and to hold
from this day forward...
for better, for worse...
for richer, for poorer...
in sickness
and in health...
to love,
cherish and to obey
till death us do part...
according to Fod's
holy ordinance,
and thereto
I plight thee my troth.
[ Bjoerling ]
""Receive this ring as a token
of wedded love and troth. '"
Receive this ring as a token
of wedded love... and troth.
Join your right hands.
""For as much as Sam and Jennie
have consented together
in holy wedlock...
""and have declared the same
before God...
""and in the presence
of this company,
""I pronounce them
man and wife.
""In the name of the Father,
and of the Son...
""and of the Holy Ghost,
""What God
hath joined together...
let not man
put asunder.''
Excuse me.
Excuse me, sir.
The captain's
compliments, sir.
Go on, Corporal.
He wishes
to see you immediately.
It's the Yankees.
They have broken through
at winchester, sir.
Very well,