it just don't set right
with the officers...
when they see prisoners
walkin'around armed.
Now gimme that rifle
before I put a ball through
that dumb head of your'n.
I admire spunk
in a boy.
But if you don't do
what I say from now on,
you're gonna find out
spunk don't come free
for nothin'.
All right, reb,
let's go.
I'm no soldier.
I don't look
that ignorant, do I?
We've seen enough of them...
Johnny Reb caps
to last us a lifetime.
Go tell my pa.
Where they takin' you,
I don't know.Just go
tell him what happened.
You don't have
to tell his pa nothin'.
You're free.
Massa Anderson.!
Massa Anderson.!
[ Panting ]
They took him.
What are you saying?
They took him.
Who's they?
Who'd they take?
The Yankee men.
They took the boy.
- How many Yankee men?
- I don't know.
Five, six.
I don't know.
Now it concerns us.