Ann, we're leaving,
and James is staying
with you.
I don't know how
these people dare
take a son of mine.
When I catch up with 'em,
it's gonna be
a horrible thing to behold.
The boy means
a great deal to you,
doesn't he, Papa Charlie?
All my sons mean
a great deal to me.
But the boy--
My Martha died the night
he was born.
I look at him,
I see her.
I'll pray
for you all.
I'm afraid it's too late
to do any prayin' for me...
and expect
satisfactory results.
You and James
decided on a name?
She'd like that.
My Martha'd like that
very much.
I haven't told you,
but we're all mighty proud
to have you in our family.
I love you very much.
[ Door Closes ]
You take care of yourself,
you hear me?
We'll be back
just as soon as--
[ Hoofbeats ]
- Where do you think
you're goin'?
- Wherever you go, Papa.
From what these preachers
tell me,