You will feel it in a moment.
- Yes.
- Talk.
- I beg your pardon?
- Talk until the drug takes effect.
This boat smells of cabbage.
Why does every German boat
smell of cabbage?
Keep talking.
What do you want me to talk about?
Anything you like. Just talk.
What's your name?
- Schumann.
- No. Your first name.
It's perfect.
- Have you made this trip before?
- I make it at least twice a year.
- Are you in some sort of business?
- I'm in the jewelry business.
A special part. I sell religious trinkets.
Any religion. You name it, I got it.
- I sell neck chains, bracelets, anklets.
- It sounds like good business.
It's a very good business.
People feel better when they wear
these things.
I feel good too.
With all this stuff on me,
I feel like an African I met in Paris.
He bought from me a crucifix, Buddha
and mezuzah. All on one chain.
Do you know what he said?