Good morning.
Good morning.
- How long have you been here?
- About a half an hour.
No, no, don't get up.
Lie back.
Did you put this over me?
Of course.
I'm glad to see you are on deck.
It was a wonderful drug you gave me,
whatever it was.
What was it, incidentally?
You don't expect me
to tell you, do you?
You can actually laugh.
Did I startle you very much?
It's good to hear you laugh too.
Did you ever have all the worst possible
things that can happen to you happen?
Well, it gives you
the most irresponsible feeling.
Nothing more can happen.
Are you all right?
It takes a great deal of courage
to tangle with those two.
I have a certain security with them.
They are the only characters
on the boat smaller than I am.
Such a charming lady makes a charming
morning even more charming.
Thank you.
He's wonderful.
He certainly is.
The one thing about these children...
...they seem to have a better time
than anyone on the boat.
If you expect me to defend those
two monsters, you're much mistaken.
My prescription for them is to throw them
overboard in a leaky lifeboat.
- You didn't have a childhood at all?
- Nothing like theirs. At least, I hope not.