You know, I travel a lot.
My folks give me some money.
Not much, but some.
They are more comfortable
when I'm not around.
You know what I find? I find the most
amusing things about people...
...are their guilts that they
drum up for themselves.
For instance, I estimate that there
must be at least...
...8 73 million people in the world
who don't even know...
...what a curve ball
on the outside corner is.
So I think it a bit excessive
for you to think that you have...
...muffed your whole life just because
you couldn't hit it, paddle or no paddle.
Do you understand what I mean,
Herr Tenny?
You know what I think?
- No.
- I think...
...that you are a sawed-off intellectual.
Bottoms up, shorty.
The purser, from whom I learn
what little I know about this ship...