You pretend that you are good people.
Good people?
You can't even exist
without your prejudices.
And the worst thing about you is...
...that you don't even recognize
what you are.
Sometimes I think, in spite
of how much you understand...
...it's enough already.
What's going on?
They moved Herr Freytag
from the captain's table...
...because his wife is Jewish.
And it's my fault.
I had to tell that dreadful Brunhilda
to stop her from chattering on so.
So stupid of me.
He's such a nice man.
I'd no idea this was going to happen.
- You're not gonna cry, are you?
- Of course not.
I never cry.
What do they got against the Jews?
Back home, we don't have anything
against the Jews.
Hell, I never even saw a Jew
till I was 15.
Maybe you were too busy lynching
Negroes to take time out for the Jews.