I wanted to tell you that
with all my heart.
You have no hearts. Any of you.
I'm sorry. I've no right
to be rude to you.
I have no right to be rude to anybody.
You must be very much in love with
your wife to stand up for her that way.
My wife and I are separated.
I thought I could face what we had
to go through after we were married.
I couldn't.
I wasn't ready to give up my position
because of my employer's prejudices.
My family talked to me about it.
My friends.
My dear friends.
So I panicked.
I asked my firm to transfer me
to Mexico.
You'll never believe what I did.
I wrote a letter.
"Dear Marianne:
We can't go on together."
I've imagined her face a thousand times
when she got the letter.
That face has followed me everywhere.