You may be the biggest fool
on this whole boat.
Why do you say that?
Where have you been
during this voyage?
Do you think this boat is a cross section
of the German people?
You don't know the average German
the way I know him.
The people that produced Goethe,
Beethoven and Bach...
...are not to be sneezed at.
50% of the people who produced
Goethe, Beethoven and Bach...
...voted for Rieber's party last week.
- Forty-four percent.
You are blind!
You're absolutely blind!
You can't see what's going on
in front of your own face.
What do you mean?
You mean this business about
the Jews? You don't understand us.
The German Jew is something special.
We are Germans first
and Jews second.
We have done so much for Germany.
Germany has done so much for us.
A little patience. A little goodwill.
It works itself out.
Listen, there are nearly
a million Jews in Germany.
What are they going to do?
Kill all of us?
If you will excuse me. I want
to dance with a most charming lady.
Might I have
the honor of this dance?