- Darling?
- Yeah.
I didn't know there was
a Frau Rieber.
What do you mean, a Frau Rieber?
The purser told me you sent a cable
to Frankfurt addressed to Frau Rieber.
I did not mention it, because
I could not bear the humiliation.
It is the tragedy of my life.
She will not let me go.
I must go on supporting her
and the three children.
There are three children?
They have no understanding of me.
I've no understanding of them.
They hang on. They hang on.
They suck the life's blood out of me.
They will not let go.
They will not let go.
I am a vital, passionate man.
I need love. I must have love.
Say you understand.
You must understand.
I understand.
Now, look,
I bought you a bottle of champagne.
A pack of them Sultana cigarettes
and two margaritas.
When are we gonna get together?
You have been drinking too much.
I think I will go now.
- Tonight.
- Not tonight. Tonight I am tired.
Very well. Just let go of my arm.
Hey. What's your cabin number?
Number 14.
I thought you weren't
bothering with that cheapskate.