- Just one.
- Such as?
She goes.
All right. But not until later.
And not in the trash bin.
See if you can't lose the car somewhere,
get her out of the city.
[Kelso] You sure your sister
won't mind us using her room?
No, not a bit. I told you,
she'd be happy to help.
Spires, this is Control.
Do you read me?
Sweet and clear. You reading me?
Affirmative. Excuse me.
What's your exact position?
In the alley, about 30 feet
from the Randall back gate.
You're the only one who can see
the informant when he hits the alley.
Let me know which way he turns.
Cahill, what's your field of vision?
West of Whittier,
east of the bend in Wetherby Drive.
- Stand by. About three minutes to go.
- You're young to be doing this work.
- I mean, it's terribly responsible.
- I'm really not that...
...not that young.
Kelly, are you settled in?
Affirmative. South side of Maple,
50 feet from the junction with Wetherby.
Got it.
You're very athletic looking.
Do you surf?
Uh, no, not anymore.
My legs always looked ridiculous
in those shorts.
Besides, I was scared to death
half the time.
I don't believe that.
Look at the brave, wonderful things
you FBI people do in your job.
Maybe we could
chat some other time, huh?
As you very properly pointed out today,
a woman's life may depend on what we do.
I'm sorry.
Do you want me to leave?
Maybe that would be best, yes.
Oh, all right.
I only thought if DC happened to wake up
and find a strange man in the bedroom...
I just don't know
how he's gonna take it.
Uh, you've got a point there.
- Graham, are you settled in?
- Opposite the west end of the alley.
If the informant goes west,
you've got him.
If he goes the other way, stand by.
I'll give you a new position.