Could turn out more than a funeral.
I don't get your point,
as John Elder didn't get off the train.
That doesn't mean he won't show up.
Even so, a man isn't likely to shoot up
his own mother's funeral.
_ Not without good reason.
_ He might think he's got a good reason.
Besides, there's that other one
that got off the train.
Ben, John Elder isn't wanted for
anything around here. Remember that.
He's a gunfighter. That puts him
on one side and me on the other.
And it was you
who told me that in the first place.
Almighty God, we commend the soul
of our dear and pretty sister departed,
Katie Elder, into your care,
as we commit her body to the ground
beside her loved husband.
Katie Elder, a woman beloved of all.
A hard_working, honest woman.
She helped in your work,
O Lord, in a thousand ways.
She was a friend to all,
a comforter to the sick.
She has left this world a little better
for having lived in it.
Those who knew her and loved her
are better for having lived
in the warmth of her understanding.
Katie Elder lived here in Clearwater
for many years.
All of us gathered here today
knew her well.
She raised four sons, John, Tom,
Matt and Bud, the youngest.
She was a woman
who wanted nothing for herself,
wanted only to give
rather than to receive.
She devoted her life
to helping her family, her friends.
Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.