She liked that rocker.
She seemed to have confided
a great deal in you, Miss Gordon.
If she'd had her sons around her
she wouldn't
have had to confide in strangers.
She told me what fine men you were,
never forgetting her,
sending her money, helping her
send Bud through school.
She was so proud.
Her tall sons for whom she kept making
up lies so she could hide her shame.
Blamed Texas for taking her sons.
Texas is a woman, she used to say,
a big, wild, beautiful woman.
You raise a kid
to where he's got some size,
and there's Texas
whispering in his ear and smiling,
saying, "Come and have some fun."
"It's hard enough to raise children,"
she'd say.
"But when you've got to fight Texas,
a mother hasn't a chance."
That's why she pushed Bud. She let
Texas beat her with the rest of you.
She was going
to see Bud through college or die.
Well, she died.
Miss Gordon, tell me, why did
she set so much store by this rocker?
Your pa gave it to her. She wouldn't
have swapped it for a diamond ring.
Thanks for being so nice to her.
Nice to her? More like
she was nice to me, or anybody.
She deserved better from her own.
_ Miss Gordon...
_ I see you're still wearing your gun.