The Sons of Katie Elder

We'd better see if she left any debts.
Debts? What debts?
Her funeral for one thing.
Who paid for that?

_ She probably owes at the store, too.
_ That can't be much.

I'm going to Hyselman's.
You and Bud go to Peevey's store.

Matt, you talk to Dr lsdell.
We'll meet at the bank.

Howdy, Bud. You don't look any
different than when you went to college.

I expected him to come back
with a flat hat with a tassel,

wearing glasses and looking smart.
Mr Peevey, you remember
my brother Tom.

Howdy, Tom.
I was sorry to hear about your ma.

I'll miss her as much as I'd miss my own
ma if she went. God spare me the day.

_ We came about Ma's bill.
_ We'd like to settle up.

I think I have it inside. Come right in.
Let me see now. Here it is.
_ How much is that?
_ Six dollars and twenty cents.

I'll cut you for it.
High card, double or nothing.

Hey, Ma? How much for the dresses
Katie Elder made?

_ I thought you paid her.
_ No, I haven't paid for them yet.

The Elder boys are here to settle up.
Four dresses at two fifty,
and two guitar lessons at fifty cents.

Four dresses at two fifty,
and two guitar lessons at fifty cents.

That means that I owe you
four dollars and eighty cents.

Your ma took guitar lessons?
Yeah, I figured she could earn a living
playing the guitar in the saloon.

_ Want to hear her?
_ No, thank you. Some other time.
