_ We'd like to ask you some questions.
_ I'm not going to answer.
_ You'd better get off this property.
_ Wait a minute. Don't get all riled.
I'm ordering you. Get off this property!
_ Having trouble, Dave?
_ Yeah.
No trouble. I'm John Elder,
and these are my brothers...
_ I told them to leave, and they won't go.
_ That's not strictly true.
I'm not putting up
with more trouble from you.
He worked a fellow over in town, and
now he won't leave this man's property.
Either you're leaving peaceful,
or I'll arrest you.
We wouldn't take too kindly
to being arrested.
That ain't going to
make much difference.
_ See? Now we ain't arrested.
_ You're going to be in serious trouble.
We're going in with you,
straighten this out,
but we ain't going in looking guilty.
Get on your horse.
We'll be back.
Billy. Billy! You got to see this.
Come on, come on!